Athlete Training

At Re+Active, our support for athletes extends throughout the year, encompassing pre-season, in-season, and post-season phases.  Pre-season training focuses on preparing athletes for the demands ahead, in-season training monitors ongoing performance and injury risk, and post-season training aims to identify areas for recovery and improvement.  

Not sure what would work for you?  Our training schedule depends on the time of year, as we do our best to accommodate for various sports/seasons of our athletes. Don’t hesitate to reach out if there are any time constraints or conflicts. We want our athletes to have the best chance to take their game to the next level.

Our Focus







Semi-Private Training
2x/weekly $150.00/month
3x/weekly $200.00/month (includes 1 speed training session weekly)
Unlimited $500.00/month (includes speed training, regen/recovery training/tools)

Private Training
2x/month $250.00/month
1x/week $300/month
2x/week $500/month
3x/week $700/month

Family Household Discount
After one full-price membership, all other household members will receive 10% each. 

Athlete training is offered to our middle school, high school, college and professional athlete clients.

“Rob Beigle is at the pinnacle of physical therapy, performance coaching, and mentorship. As an athlete, I consistently entered each season as the epitome of strength and conditioning, thanks to Rob's expert care. His prowess as a physical therapist not only swiftly rehabilitated any injuries I encountered but also ensured my continual peak performance through meticulous attention to proper movement patterns, strength training, and injury prevention strategies.”

— Jim H., CLIENT

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